Our Okanagan Climbing Community

Our Okanagan Climbing Community

The best part of climbing has always been the community, our friends, belay partners. mentors and mentees. Our goal is to give back our community by helping to protect the areas we love. We acknowledge the time, effort and money that goes into building, maintaining and protecting the areas we climb. Thats why we are commited to donating 5% of proceeds to local climbing organizations that are making a difference! We are proud to donate to these partners as they help us reach our goals. Let's learn more about our partners.

The Okanagan Bouldering Society (OBS)

The Okanagan Bouldering Society is a group of passionate climbers dedicated to developing and maintaining bouldering in the Okanagan region of British Columbia. Their goal is to promote the sport of bouldering through education, collaboration, and community outreach. The work hard developing and maintaining bouldering areas throughout the okanagan in an environmentally concious manner. They are also dedicated to advocating for the continued access to local bouldering areas and building beneficial relationships with the various private and public land owners and management groups.

Every year they hold the epic ROC the BLOCS event which draws people from all over BC and beyond. Helping to spread the word that the boulderfields are a must-climb bouldering destination.

If you would like to learn more or become a member The Okanagan Bouldering Society check them out on their website or follow them on facebook and instagram.

 Okanagan Bouldering Society Website  Instagram Icon   Facebook Icon

Central Okanagan Climbing Organization (COCA)

COCA has been an invaluable asset to the Okanagan climbing community. Their dedication to the development, maintenance, and sustainable use of the areas has allowed us to enjoy places like KLO and Lonely Boy for years. They continually replace bolts, secure anchors, and take care of these areas with care and attention. We acknowlege the work and dedication that they have put into the development of routes and crags around the Okanagan. We are incredibly grateful for their commitment to the sport.

They also hold events and opportunities for the climbing community to get together. If you would like to learn more or become a member check out their website or follow them on Facebook and Instagram.

Central Okanagan Climbing Association Website  Instagram Icon   Facebook Icon

This is just the beginning! At Ochre Mountain Apparel we strive to create a community of outdoor climbers that are environmentally conscience and inclusive. We are committed to providing resources to support your journey to start climbing outside and the opportunity support the organisations that make it possible.



Photography by Tammy Le

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