How to Start Climbing

How to Start Climbing

What is climbing?

Climbing is a exciting and challenging sport that involves ascending steep rock faces, mountains, or artificial climbing walls. It requires physical strength, mental focus, and technical skills. Climbing can be done both indoors and outdoors, and there are various types of climbing, including bouldering, sport climbing, trad climbing, and alpine climbing.

Why is climbing popular?

Climbing has gained immense popularity in recent years due to its unique combination of physical and mental challenges. It offers a full-body workout, improves strength, flexibility, and endurance. Climbing also provides an opportunity to connect with nature and experience breathtaking views. Additionally, it fosters problem-solving skills, builds confidence, and promotes a sense of accomplishment. Not to mention it is one of the best ways to make friends and connect with a community.

Types of climbing

1. Bouldering: Bouldering involves climbing short but challenging routes without the use of ropes or harnesses. It focuses on difficult moves and requires problem-solving skills.

2. Sport climbing: Sport climbing is done on pre-bolted routes with the use of ropes, harnesses, and quickdraws. It emphasizes endurance, technique, and strength.

3. Trad climbing: Trad climbing, short for traditional climbing, involves placing removable gear, such as cams and nuts, to protect against falls. It requires advanced technical skills and experience.

4. Alpine climbing: Alpine climbing takes place in high-altitude mountain environments. It combines elements of mountaineering and rock climbing and often involves long, multi-day expeditions.

Benefits of climbing

1. Physical fitness: Climbing is a full-body workout that improves strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health.

2. Mental well-being: The focus and concentration required in climbing can help reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and boost overall well-being.

3. Problem-solving skills: Climbing challenges you to find the best route and overcome obstacles, enhancing problem-solving and critical thinking abilities.

4. Confidence and self-esteem: Overcoming difficult climbs and achieving personal goals can significantly boost self-confidence and self-esteem.

5. Connection with nature: Climbing allows you to explore beautiful natural landscapes and experience a sense of awe and connection with the outdoors.

Getting started with climbing

1. Find a climbing gym: Start by visiting a local climbing gym to learn the basics, practice on indoor walls, and receive guidance from experienced climbers.

2. Take a course: You can take a beginners climbing course at most climbing gyms While not necessary it can give you a solid foundation of skills to work with. The great thing is though if you start your climbing adventure boudlering inside then you are okay just putting on your shoes and giving it a go! If you are thinking about heading outside to sport climb for the first time consider taking a beginner's course or hiring a certified climbing instructor to learn proper techniques, safety protocols, and equipment usage. 

3. Join a climbing community: Connect with other climbers through clubs, online forums, or social media groups. They can provide valuable advice, support, and climbing partners. The climbing community is one of the best communities out there for support and adventures!

4. Rent or buy gear: Begin with renting climbing gear from the gym or outdoor stores. As you progress, invest in your own gear, including climbing shoes, harness, helmet, and ropes. You definitely do not need to get everything at once, to start, shoes and a chalk bag will do!

5. Start with easy routes: Begin with easier routes suitable for beginners and gradually progress to more challenging climbs as your skills and confidence improve. But don't be limited by them. Keep trying things that are too hard for you and you will see improvement quickly.


Climbing is an exhilarating sport that offers physical and mental challenges, as well as numerous benefits. Whether you choose to climb indoors or venture into the great outdoors, climbing provides an opportunity to push your limits, connect with nature, and experience personal growth. So, grab your gear, find a climbing gym, and embark on an exciting journey into the world of climbing!

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